The picture shows the new TV and Phone jacks that I put in the corner, and that the wall has been painted, and that the molding has been put down and the putty is covering the holes from the finishing nails in the molding and the face nailed boards. Whew, what a day!
After getting the car fixed (a relay was bad in the radiator fan system) I put down another coat of paint on the walls hoping to get the gloss to match better. I guess we must have used "eggshell" and not "satin" oh well, at least the color is correct, so unless you stand just right you can't tell that the paint is wrong. I made sure to finish the painting last night so I could do the molding today.
In addition to painting the walls we also had to cut some of the door jams so the quarter round molding would fit under them and cover the expansion space left over when we installed the boards. We also had to fill in where a board was not quite long enough to properly be covered by the molding.
After doing all of the prep, I decided to read a little about installing the molding and discovered one important pointer, when joining two boards together to run along a wall longer than one piece of material you need to cut the two boards at an angle. Then overlap these two angles with the "point" showing away from the common view angle. This allows the boards to not show the border quite as much. Fortunately the chop saw has a 22.5 degree angle setting. Using this setting I could cut the first and second boards and install them with finishing nails. The biggest problem I had installing them was that the finishing nails weren't quite long enough to reach the wood underneath the drywall. Sometimes I would get a good contact and the board would snug up tight against the wall. Sometimes however the nail would just go through the drywall and not really snug up against anything. I guess I need to go get some longer nails and do those areas again.
We also cut down the special molding for interfacing from the flooring in the kitchen to the hallway carpet.
After getting the molding in place, I needed to put in the TV and phone wiring in to nice boxes on the wall. I found the dual Phone jack that I wanted at Fry's but it had to have a full conduit box in the wall to hold it in place. I went to Home Depot to pick one of those up, but while I was in that aisle I mentioned to the HD employee that I didn't need a whole conduit box and he said "Oh, have you seen this 'low voltage' type of box?" It has a ring that is held in to place in the wall with plastic tangs that flip out and hold it in place in the wall. The ring has two screw holes for the phone jack in place. I also put the TV jack plate in place using the provided metal plates.
Since we no longer have the big desk, we needed a good place to keep the computer. We had thought it might be able to fit under the roll top, but it just barely doesn't fit. So we went ahead and got a cheap computer cart and put it together tonight.
I really want to get the Living Room back in shape before we leave on our week long vacation. Hopefully we can do some of that during the afternoon on Sunday.
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