Before we installed any flooring tonight, we folded back the tar paper and wrote on the plywood underlayment "Joshua 24:15 As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" directly under the entryway flooring. I realized to late that I should have taken a picture.
My son was a really good helper tonight, he made sure I had boards and tools and we were finished with the "easy" stuff by about 9PM. However when I got over to the corner where the two doors are and it was the last run, it got a little interesting. I thought I had layed out the first run of flooring in the kitchen such that I would end up with 2-1/2 inches to install on the other end. I ended up with about 1/2 inch. Either we accumulated 2 inches of slack over 33 feet, or I miscalculated. Given my recent bouts with mis-calculations, I am going to go with that. I had to rip down a five inch wide board to 11/16ths or smaller in some cases. I took a picture and enhanced the contrast and color to show the very small section left, the full size plank is five inches.
At first I thought I might be able to get away without a small board at the end, but as you can see in the next picture, the quarter-round molding just doesn't cover out that far.
This shows what it will look like once it is installed. I have to wait on installing the molding, since I made a mistake on painting the gap. I used Semi-Gloss instead of a flatter paint for the wall. So I need to go back to Home Depot and ask for the same color, just in a flat paint that I can use on the walls, then install the molding. Once that's done, we can start putting on the felt pads for the different furniture, including the piano, and get our living room back in order. My wife did a great job straightening up the kitchen today, since all of the appliances were hooked up and I was out of the way with tools etc.
I intentionally bought one extra box for future needs, but I think I may have bought too much, since I had quite a few boards left over. It is hard to tell exactly how much material you are going to need since you end up cutting away excess material on the ends many times.
Now I need to wrap those boards up tight in something, as well as the box on the floor, and put them in the garage somewhere for some future owner that wishes to repair something, or add on. We may even extend this flooring down the hallway, since the carpet there is in pretty bad shape as well.
I'm taking the day off from work tomorrow, I think I'll read a book (not a home improvement book)
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