As the picture shows, we have about half of the living room still to go. I got up plenty early and ran over to Home Depot to pick up some more cleats and some more Tar paper. We didn't want to have to run over there later in the day, since we knew we didn't have enough paper, and we weren't sure if we had enough cleats.
I had decided to skip church in the morning (Yes, I know!) and work until I had to leave for the Sunday night program that I was kicking off that night. If we worked as effectively from 9 AM until 3 PM as we had done in the open area of the kitchen the day before, we'd be almost completely done before I had to leave. Then the phone rang. "I need you to come to church and do sound, so-and-so is out of town and we need you for the service" OK, now I had to leave the house at 10AM and not be back until 11:30AM.
Getting in to the living room required us to bridge the entryway and set a new chalkline for the boards in the living room. It took us quite a while to establish a new line for various reasons, so we didn't really start laying down flooring until just before I had to leave for the morning service. When I got back, we tried to get a few boards in place, but with just the two of us, we weren't moving too fast.
Later in the afternoon, two more of my friends came over and we really started moving fast. However I ran out of time before I had to leave for the sunday night program. Fortunately my sister and another friend stayed for a little while and did a few more rows.
So, sitting here on the couch in the living room I can see that we have about 7 feet 7 inches to go which (when multiplied by 18) is 136 square feet left. Unfortunately I only have 104 square feet of material left! Somewhere along the line, the guy at the store thought I had 500 square feet of flooring that I needed. Yesterday I realized that I didn't have enough plywood to cover the floor, that should have been my first clue. We didn't really scrap THAT much of the plywood, so I couldn't figure out how we had been three full sheets short. We had ordered 10% overage on the flooring, so I purchased 552 square feet. Turns out I needed about 580 to 590.
So, tomorrow I finish installing what I have, get a good measurement, and order at least two, maybe four boxes of material (to have enough variety) then rent what I need to finish the job another day this week, since it takes a few days for delivery.
Ugh, I'm frustrated right now!
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