My pastor called this morning and said "If you're not done, I'll come over and help. Oh, yes please!" We spent a few hours putting down whatever boards we had left, then moved the appliances back in to the kitchen.
Earlier in the day, I had double checked my measurements and ordered three more boxes (of 23 square feet each) which should arrive tomorrow some time. I hope to put those down tomorrow night and be done with the flooring installation by tomorrow night. However, as my sister kept reminding me, the project isn't done until the molding is placed around the floor. Since the new molding is significantly smaller, it will leave a lot of unpainted wall showing. So, with that in mind, I went out to the garage and found the paint can from 1999 that we used to paint the living room and took it over to Home Depot tonight to have another can made up. Hopefully it's the right stuff because I also used that paint to fix up dings and scratches on other places up the wall. The color seemed to match pretty well, but I am not sure about the gloss factor. I guess I'll find out when it is dry tomorrow night. (Edit: Well, it was the wrong gloss factor, I must have grabbed the can for the trim, not the walls. Guess I get to do some more painting tonight!)
Getting the appliances back in their places should help my wife start to get the kitchen under control again. If you look at the picture above you'll see that there is a lot of stuff on the counter, it all had to come out from under the counter to put the dishwasher back in place. We also spent a little time resetting the leg heights on the stove to get it completely level, both side to side and back to front. My son asked me why this was important, I told him it was so that when we fry bacon, the grease won't all go to one side.
Tuesday is back to work day for me, so I hope that the paint drys, the boards arrive and I can get the flooring installed pretty quickly. Of course, when I get to the end near the front of the house, I can no longer use the cleat driver, but will need to pilot drill and finish nail them in place. It's also harder because I have to rip saw the boards along the last row to fit in whatever space is left. Hopefully it is exactly what we cut off Saturday morning to start the first row in the kitchen, if so I already have the other side cut (probably not)
I put a video of the cleat nailer in action if you wanted to see it.
1 comment:
The kitchen floor looks beautiful! Great job! :)
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