I woke up this morning to the sound of someone not happy with my choice to not cover the kitchen food preparation areas before sawing last night. I'm not going to say that no one warned me, in fact my coworker made a pretty good case for tarping off as much as possible. There is a saying I have for pressure washing, "it removes the dirt on the ground or wall, and places it all over you" the corollary for circular saws on particle board is that it "takes the wood that used to be all in one piece and blows it in to a million little pieces every where else." So after I mowed the lawn, I headed off to the hardware store and bought cheap drop cloths.
By the time we had finished putting up the drop cloths I was already tired, but we started sawing and prying anyway. I looked at the time stamps on the pictures and it took me about 3 hours to completely remove and clean up fifty square feet. If I had to pay someone to install the floor at $2.50 per square foot that part would have cost me $125 to have removed and replaced. I'm still not sure it's worth it to do it yourself.
One area of concern showed up as we got to the corner of the sliding glass door. There is obvious water damage here, and it was on all layers of the wood and linoleum. While it was completely dry, this concerns me because I am not sure it happened before the new dual pane sliding glass door was installed a few years ago. There could be a serious problem, so we'll have to find a way to check if the leak still exists. I'm guessing it will be like when I had to try out my new rain coat I had just bought in the middle of the summer. Just put it on and have your sister hose you down in the front yard. I hope no one drives up and sees me watering the back door and think there's something wrong with me :)
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