Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Moving some wiring

I have a number of wires that I have added to the house over the years. Phone line in the living room, another phone line (Home Run) for the DSL modem, a couple of ethernet wires, Coax cable for the TVs etc. etc.

Unfortunately I wasn't good and did a wonderful job putting them in the wall, no I just drilled holes in the old flooring and sub-floor and ran them under the house. Now, I'm not the first to do this, the cable TV was installed this way, so don't blame me for coming up with a bad idea. The reason it is a bad idea is that now these wires are going to have to move in to the wall or be re-drilled in the new flooring. Well, I figure I can get the wires in the wall now instead of wiring them through the flooring on Saturday when we need to be getting the flooring looking good and not worrying about 1/4" obstacles.

I borrowed a really nice three foot long drill bit, specifically made for this exact purpose, however it was useless to me since I wasn't planning on crawling under the house. You know that old saying "necessity is the mother of invention?" I really don't want to crawl under the house to fix the wiring, so I devised a cunning plan. Drill a 1" hole through the drywall and through the 2x4 at the bottom of the wall close to where the existing wires come through. Reach through this new opening and grab the wire from under the house and pull it through. Sounds easy huh? Well, that was three hours ago, and I just finished the two phone wires and the two ethernet wires. I still have to two different coax TV wires to do. Not tonight!

Of course, that's just the living room, the kitchen has similar "wiring." The two ethernet wires in the living room come up through the floor in the kitchen to run a computer in there, that'll have to be done. There is also a water hose for the icemaker that will have to be run up through the wall. I'm not sure this method will work with that since you don't really grab just one end of the wire, you actually hook it and pull two pieces of wire through the opening. I don't think the water line will bend like that. Guess I'll have to think of something else.

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